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Our company won the Qingke “top 50 most Investment valuable enterprises of China in 2013”

Date:2013-12-19    【Size:Big Middle Small

On December 18, 2013,  "the eighth top 50 most Investment valuable enterprises list"which was sponsored by Qingke was announced in Beijing royal peninsula hotel. Huawe Pharmaceutical was the 30th of the 50 most Investment valuable enterprises list. The award, it is to our management team, business model and industry competitiveness aspects of comprehensive recognition.

About“the top 50 most Investment valuable enterprises list”:

The list is a large brand activity of Qingke which is focusing on exploring the most investment value of venture enterprises/project in Chinese market. Since its inception in 2006, it has successfully held seven sessions. Over the past seven years, more than ten thousand companies have a total enrollment.

It has helped over billions of dollars in corporate finance, has become an important reference index about  attracting venture capital financing of the domestic industry and listed companies.360, Renren networks, Thunder, 58 city, VANCL, The public comment network, Millet technology and   Jingdong Mall hav-e been the winner on this list.

This year, The contest of"the eighth top 50 most Investment valuable enterprises of China"was launched jointly by Qingke branch group and bank of Beijing. The activity duration was more than eight months, attracting more than 3000 enterprises’s attending.

As the highest level of contest about investors selecting enterprises, the selecting teams of Qingke Group abided by the principle of "fair, just and open". They invited 50 top venture capitalists jointly totake part in the activity. The venture capitalists deeply evaluated the relevant aspects about the management team and ownership structure, business, business model and competitive industries and markets, thefinancial condition of all candidates.After eight years of development, the contest has become the most  authoritative contest about the venture capitalist selecting the enterprises. It can  reflects the weather vane of the most growth potential annual enterprises.It is also the best quality platform of the most venture   capitalists exploring potential investment of high-quality small and medium enterprises.

Related Links:


2. awards coverage: http://pe.pedaily.cn/201312/20131218358370.shtml



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